Herein lie the differences between a great "Specimen" horse and a "great RACE horse". Another great read!

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Thanks for this! Great read. The days of horses like him are long gone. Sigh!

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Thank you for this! Top 3 favorite horse with Riva Ridge and Easy Goer.

His career average Beyer fig was 115. That's a fast horse. The best part was that he was usually doing it effortlessly and actually raced -- 10 starts at age 3!

It's so much fun to follow a truly gifted horse who races 10 times in a year.

He spent October 1994 hanging out with the Croll string at Keeneland. I was allowed to feed him carrots. He went nuts for carrots. Sea Hero was in the same shedrow. I took the Derby winner a carrot and the Bull was not happy!!

I got the glowing Holy Bull shirt at the Keeneland gift shop. I have carefully cared for it through the years. ♡

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